Monday, February 4, 2008

We're All Just Humans

Today I had my speech class. I wasn't really looking forward to it because well it is speech, it's required and I just don't usually like to sit and listen to speeches, unless it is something that I am interested in. However my professor said something really interesting to me today. She continually made the point that "we're all just humans." She was talking about how a lot of people are afraid of the class but we have no need to fear because we're all just humans. This really stuck with me today. Once again we're all just humans. Sit back and think about it. The world that we live in is made up of many things, but what we most concern ourselves with is humans. We get wrapped up in each individual, but we forget we're all so simular. We are all humans, we have the same flaws just some people are better at hiding them than others. But when we walk into a room all we can see is differences but we forget we're all the same in a sense.

Along with being the same have you ever noticed how we CONSTANTLY are judging? We judge each person that passes by us, we judge every situation, we judge every assignment, every day. We are creatures that constantly judge to become aware and protect ourselves. Even if we know someone well, when we see that person talking to someone we don't know we are judging what they're saying and doing because we simply don't know everything that is going on. Have you ever wondered what it would be like not to judge and be perfectly comfortable with everything? This is something that is impossible on our earth because of all the sin, but I wonder if that is what it's like in Heaven? How cool will that be. = )