Tuesday, February 26, 2008

One Man with simple words

It's monday, my big bad busy day. After a really long, yet great weekend it is hard just to roll into my mondays. But every week I manage. So my monday's are jam packed with goodness I think. I only have two classes but we have chapel, and I have a 12:15 lunch date with Kim every week, work out time with Heather (haha and now Alex), small group and now I meet with the ever so classy Ron K. So today when I was meeting with Ron I didn't come with anything prepared to talk about, nothing really God like on my mind, we were just chatting. So I talking to Ron about how I am trying to get my stuff together and make my life so God is number one in everything. So I am going on just talking and talking and Ron stops me and says do you think you are impressive? and I said no, because I really don't think that and I thought that he was saying I am a really proud person. But then he went on to say, I think you are a person who is very impressive and you have impressed me. And I thanked him and he said I feel so blessed to be able to get to know you. Even though they were so simple they were so powerful to me. because I see Ron as someone who has great authority and that he feels blessed to talk with me and that he thinks that me just as who I am that I am impressive. It made me feel amazing and gave me such a boost. I love Ron. = )

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A Really Big Blog

I kinda got really busy and couldn't keep up with my blogging which made me sad because I love to write my blog. Lets back it all the way up to this past weekend. Britney and I went up north to go snowmobiling with her family. We went up to Lewiston where her family has a cabin and chilled there for friday night. Then on saturday morning we woke up in no big rush, had breakfast and started to suite up. I had never gone snowmobiling and I wasn't really that nervous. So Britney and I ride a 2 up which obviously is for two people, and at first I was like oh yea this is pretty sweet. Well here is the funny part, as we are going along and we come to these giant hills and it gets really bumpy and all I have to hold on to are these little bars on the side and well to make a long story short I flew off, and manage to not even hit Britney. We were going about 40 mph and I hit the ground rolled got back up ran and jumped back on. Seriously reallly funny stuff there. But it was awesome she let me drive for a little while and we were gone most of the day and the coolest part was when we hit about 60 mph. What I loved the most about it was that I had no fear to try something new, I jumped right on and did and even though I fell off I didn't get all bother about, I got up and kept going it was so awesome. AND it was really cool to be going through all of these trails and the trees are just covered in snow, it looks like a picture and we saw two deer, I was pumped and wanted to hit them. Britney said no.

SO we ended up driving back on saturday night so we didn't get caught in an ice storm and we got back around 2 am and had a really long day. I then had to look forward to this week and thats when I realized how busy I am right now. Monday and today, it's really amazing how much I accomplished. Monday I only had two classes and chapel, but along with that I had my homework for today (which was a lot) and I worked out, had a great lunch with one of my friends with core and we got to catch up and decided to make it a regular thing, and now I am meeting weekly with Ron, which rocks my little white socks, and I had small group. Then today I had my mega classes and a pen pal meeting because I am a pen pal with a second grader. And the rest of my week doesn't slow down until friday, when I go home. Woo its really busy.

But the coolest part about it was my meeting with Ron. I was proud to set things up and he and I talked about the effectiveness and power of prayer. It was awesome I love it when God has so many amazing people in your life that can reveal great things to you!

Lastly, this made me a little mad today, I have old testament on tuesday and thursday and on tuesday we have a quiz over last week and our chart due on what we are going to cover that week. Well I got 3/10 on my quiz today. I have NEVER done that bad. And I was SOO mad at myself because I have never ever done that. Now I am going to have to push myself even more to change that and get some extra credit points.

Friday, February 15, 2008

I Did It

Valentines day is over. Yay. Over all it was a pretty good day, a lot of people who care about me, told me. So thanks to them. It was hard to watch 3 of my best friends all be in relationships and all have really great nights but it will all come in time.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Oh man the holiday came again

I have to talk about it because it came. Valentines day. I hate it. I feel that if you need a day to show someone you love them you don't really love them. Now if you are you know trying to impress someone I think it is really good, and we girls do expect things however I think that if someone was to really show me they love me, they would pick a random day or a day in which we made a small memory and then do all of the things you would normally do on valentines day. It's not just about making the holiday its about showing someone how much you love them and that can happen any day, it just depends on what happens.

So today (the day before valentines day) was so special. I got a package slip last night and I knew it was from my parents. So I went to classes or whatever this morning and the mail place called my room and said I could come whenever to get my package and I didn't need to slip just my ID. Well I already had the slip so i went over there and they got me my package from my mom and dad filled with candy, movies, and a card. A typical valentines from my parents. And while I was waiting in line Katie and I saw these two vases of flowers and I was so jealous because I wanted flowers. (they weren't daisies, my favorites but they were roses my second favorite) and I said who ever gets those are really lucky. So I get back to my room and we have another voicemail from the mail people this time for Brit saying the same thing the said to me and we thought is was the boots she order so we rushed over there. These flowers that I had seen were for britney. I was like WOAH how cool they are for britney so she got hers and we thought they were from her mom and there was another vase there that looked simular so we asked out of curiosity who they were for and the tag said "Emmaleigh Boardway" and I was like no way thats me! So we thought aww how sweet britneys mom sent us flowers. Well we got back to our room and realized they were actually from my brother! WOAH it was so cool, so now we are lucky enough to have flowers, candy, and new chick flicks and its NOT valentines day. In the words of Brian Regan "Can this get any better? I submit that it cannot!"

Sunday, February 10, 2008

God and Poems

Last night I sat down to read my bible and I decided to read 1st John since that is what Ron talked about at Deeper last week. 1st John is only like 5 pages, but those 5 pages should not go unnoticed. I only read chapers 1 and 2 because I wanted to study what it said and not just blow through it because it was so short. But those two chapters had 4 or 5 verses that really stuck out to me and i studied those verses and even though they were verses that I have heard before and I know what they mean, they're things that I need to work on and things that are very important.

Today I woke up and realized how amazingly comfortable my bed is. So I sat there, for a really long time and I decided to write some poems. So I thought I would put them on here today, from my poetry journal.


The Sheer curtains can barely keep out the light and cold.
They try their best to keep hidden from us, what is playing behind them.
But a mere glimps around a corner reveals what is to be unseen.
The cold has pressed it's self against the window with such force, little can be done to hold it back.
The window that shows me my surroundings is covered.
A thin layer of ice and frost has covered my view of the world.
Everything is hidden, or has a shinny tint to it.
What is clear to my eyes is the snow that covers the ground.
A thick, cold blanket that covers the earth so that we cannot see what is under it.
Even without the power of the sun, the snow shines like a light guiding those lost, home.
What is most clear to my eyes are the dark branches reaching out in every direction.
They're dark, but have the light dusting of snow on them to blend them with everything else around them.
Without leaves they look so cold and drained, but from my window today, they look inviting.
Inviting me back to a time when the earth was free from its blanket.
A time where my world is filled with every color instead of one.
But my frosted window brings me back to my view.
The cold view with the eyes, but warm for my ears.
The wind howls softly, the heat keeps me warm an the piano keeping me calm.

2. Can fiction ever become reality?
A place where everything is magical, memorable and dare say perfect.
A place where the sun shines on glorious momnets, and a place where rain falls in defeat.
The answer to the problem is right around the corner and seen by all.
A place where your heart starts to race, and butterflies soar inside you.
A place where the heart had the ability to stand back up and times goes by in the blink of an eye.
A place that cannot be found unless you already know where it is.
A dream that cannot be achieved, a book with no last page, a letter with no signature.
A place where where a song is played and has the exact emotion that you have.
Fiction, where the mind can play and live how it wants.
Fiction, what I wan as a reality.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Changes can go by unseen

There are times when you can see the changes right in front of your face. They're really obvious, such as a change in clothes, seasons, or class schedules. But there are times when we move through life walking through changes and we don't stop to notice. Well today I did. Most of the time they are such small changes you really wouldn't notice what has happened. I have noticed that some of my friendships have completely changed. There are some people that I used to talk to in the beginning of the year and hang out with and now we have reduced to just saying hello as we pass each other. There are some friendships that are still intact but hardly, they're hanging on by a string either by hope, or the feeling that we should still be friends in some way. The way we talk has changed, the jokes have disappeared and now its just casual conversation. The reason I don't notice these things is probably because of all the people coming into my life as they go out. But it really does make so sad that you have formed all of these memories with people and then when things changes, just small things like a class schedule will altar a friendship. Bummer.

Then there is all of this stress about the school of education. This morning I woke up and attended a seminar on classroom management. The woman who was speaking is a third grade teacher over at western and she had so many helpful things to say and I was really glad that I went. I got so much information however right now I feel like I am on information overload. There is so much that needs to be done just to get into the school of ed, and then there is everything beyond that. Teaching really is a passion of mine so I am trying to do everything in my power that will make me more marketable when I reach the point of searching for a job since the education field is so competitive right now. Ugh man today is a good day but there is a lot to handle.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Good Friends, Kick Your Butt (when needed)

I think my title pretty well covers what I am going to talk about. Well in a general overview sort of way. All of the good friends I have made here kick my butt with honesty and it is amazing. I am an honest person so when others are honest towards me its awesome. They tell you how it is no sugar, if you look like crap they tell you, if you messed up, they make it known, if you did something great they praise it. So here is what I was going to talk about.

Britney, who is my next door neighbor, is now becoming my roomate and I couldn't be more excited. We already hang out all the time and since I have a room to myself why not just move in since she is here all the time! = ) YAY so yesterday she and I went and worked out. And here is why, after my junior year that summer I went through a really tough time, into my senior year with a lot of issues. So I made the mistake of doing nothing and eating everything. Staying inside and moaping. Even though I had cheerleading, it is only winter. So I unfortunately gained weight. Like 15 pounds. I watched myself changed dramatically and it made me really upset but continued to do nothing about it and just let it sit in the back of my mind and bother me. With this came self confidence issue (which some people can't believe because I am really outgoing) and that sucked. So now that I am here and have control and all the opportunities I need to change my life I am going to. So Britney and I went and worked out for an hour and she kicked my butt and I was so happy. I have never been so happy to let someone kick my butt and make me do things I don't like to do. I was really worried about being all embarassed but decided to bite the bullet and do it, because sometimes that is what it takes in life. So I went and I feel so good, I love the pain after working out. = ) YAY!

Monday, February 4, 2008

We're All Just Humans

Today I had my speech class. I wasn't really looking forward to it because well it is speech, it's required and I just don't usually like to sit and listen to speeches, unless it is something that I am interested in. However my professor said something really interesting to me today. She continually made the point that "we're all just humans." She was talking about how a lot of people are afraid of the class but we have no need to fear because we're all just humans. This really stuck with me today. Once again we're all just humans. Sit back and think about it. The world that we live in is made up of many things, but what we most concern ourselves with is humans. We get wrapped up in each individual, but we forget we're all so simular. We are all humans, we have the same flaws just some people are better at hiding them than others. But when we walk into a room all we can see is differences but we forget we're all the same in a sense.

Along with being the same have you ever noticed how we CONSTANTLY are judging? We judge each person that passes by us, we judge every situation, we judge every assignment, every day. We are creatures that constantly judge to become aware and protect ourselves. Even if we know someone well, when we see that person talking to someone we don't know we are judging what they're saying and doing because we simply don't know everything that is going on. Have you ever wondered what it would be like not to judge and be perfectly comfortable with everything? This is something that is impossible on our earth because of all the sin, but I wonder if that is what it's like in Heaven? How cool will that be. = )