Tuesday, February 19, 2008

A Really Big Blog

I kinda got really busy and couldn't keep up with my blogging which made me sad because I love to write my blog. Lets back it all the way up to this past weekend. Britney and I went up north to go snowmobiling with her family. We went up to Lewiston where her family has a cabin and chilled there for friday night. Then on saturday morning we woke up in no big rush, had breakfast and started to suite up. I had never gone snowmobiling and I wasn't really that nervous. So Britney and I ride a 2 up which obviously is for two people, and at first I was like oh yea this is pretty sweet. Well here is the funny part, as we are going along and we come to these giant hills and it gets really bumpy and all I have to hold on to are these little bars on the side and well to make a long story short I flew off, and manage to not even hit Britney. We were going about 40 mph and I hit the ground rolled got back up ran and jumped back on. Seriously reallly funny stuff there. But it was awesome she let me drive for a little while and we were gone most of the day and the coolest part was when we hit about 60 mph. What I loved the most about it was that I had no fear to try something new, I jumped right on and did and even though I fell off I didn't get all bother about, I got up and kept going it was so awesome. AND it was really cool to be going through all of these trails and the trees are just covered in snow, it looks like a picture and we saw two deer, I was pumped and wanted to hit them. Britney said no.

SO we ended up driving back on saturday night so we didn't get caught in an ice storm and we got back around 2 am and had a really long day. I then had to look forward to this week and thats when I realized how busy I am right now. Monday and today, it's really amazing how much I accomplished. Monday I only had two classes and chapel, but along with that I had my homework for today (which was a lot) and I worked out, had a great lunch with one of my friends with core and we got to catch up and decided to make it a regular thing, and now I am meeting weekly with Ron, which rocks my little white socks, and I had small group. Then today I had my mega classes and a pen pal meeting because I am a pen pal with a second grader. And the rest of my week doesn't slow down until friday, when I go home. Woo its really busy.

But the coolest part about it was my meeting with Ron. I was proud to set things up and he and I talked about the effectiveness and power of prayer. It was awesome I love it when God has so many amazing people in your life that can reveal great things to you!

Lastly, this made me a little mad today, I have old testament on tuesday and thursday and on tuesday we have a quiz over last week and our chart due on what we are going to cover that week. Well I got 3/10 on my quiz today. I have NEVER done that bad. And I was SOO mad at myself because I have never ever done that. Now I am going to have to push myself even more to change that and get some extra credit points.