Saturday, February 9, 2008

Changes can go by unseen

There are times when you can see the changes right in front of your face. They're really obvious, such as a change in clothes, seasons, or class schedules. But there are times when we move through life walking through changes and we don't stop to notice. Well today I did. Most of the time they are such small changes you really wouldn't notice what has happened. I have noticed that some of my friendships have completely changed. There are some people that I used to talk to in the beginning of the year and hang out with and now we have reduced to just saying hello as we pass each other. There are some friendships that are still intact but hardly, they're hanging on by a string either by hope, or the feeling that we should still be friends in some way. The way we talk has changed, the jokes have disappeared and now its just casual conversation. The reason I don't notice these things is probably because of all the people coming into my life as they go out. But it really does make so sad that you have formed all of these memories with people and then when things changes, just small things like a class schedule will altar a friendship. Bummer.

Then there is all of this stress about the school of education. This morning I woke up and attended a seminar on classroom management. The woman who was speaking is a third grade teacher over at western and she had so many helpful things to say and I was really glad that I went. I got so much information however right now I feel like I am on information overload. There is so much that needs to be done just to get into the school of ed, and then there is everything beyond that. Teaching really is a passion of mine so I am trying to do everything in my power that will make me more marketable when I reach the point of searching for a job since the education field is so competitive right now. Ugh man today is a good day but there is a lot to handle.