Monday, March 3, 2008

A Goal I Thought That Was Easy, Is A Challenge

I want to have an all 'A' semester. Not a bad goal. To me, it seemed like I was doing pretty good, only missing like 1 or 2 points or maybe even none on assignments. But that 1 point can change a grade completely when there aren't a lot of points over all. For example in my World Lit class, I do good on the writing assignments and quizzes and that's basically the whole class. Well today I looked at my grade and I have a B+. Not what I want. So I went through the assignments to see what was holding me back. We did a group quiz like three weeks ago and we got 5/10. Those 5 points are keeping me at a B+ instead of A. All of the quizzes that I did on my own I get 100% so I am going to stick to my own brain. Or there are some classes where there is one assignment and that is the whole grade. Next week is midterms and my grades are not where I want them at all. I mean I don't think I have anything lower than a B. But a 'B' is not an 'A'. I have also realized I am very competitive with my friends when it comes to grades. I like to have my piece of the pie, I like to have a subject or area that I can pride myself in and have the higher grade. But all my friends are smarty pants.