Sunday, March 9, 2008

That Sister Sense

I really need to write my blog more often because a lot can happen in a week but I just can't keep up with it all. This week all I was looking forward to was the fact that I had no classes on friday. So on thursday I woke up to go do some kickboxing and my dad sent me a text message to tell me that my sister came out of surgery just fine. And I felt bad that I had slept through the morning while my sister was having her gull bladder removed. So I got up and went about my day and when it came to my two o'clock class I couldn't stand it anymore. I had thought about the fact that I had no classes on friday and I wasn't planning on going home until saturday morning because we had a floor event on friday then I decided no I am really not going to wait around for this. So I skipped my class packed up and came home. I don't know if you people reading this are close to your siblings are someone in your family there are times when you just know you need to be with them. So I went home and I was right my sister needed me on friday. My mom needed to go back to work and my dad had stuff to get done and there were things that my sister needed help with that my dad just couldn't help her with. I am glad that I was here to help her because really I love to help.

I just can't wait for this week to get done. Then we have spring break. I finally get to see my friend Kelly again whom I haven't seen since chrismas and I only get to see her for a few hours before I leave again. I get to go to Florida for 10 days and have a vacation and I am really looking forward to it. I feel a little guilty because I am not taking a missions trip like several people are but I know I will have more opportunities to do so.

And lastly a prayer request, there are a few things that are coming that are kinda big deals. After Spring Break is all the PA stuff. Pray that God's will will be done in that situation. And I am applying to work at Springhill this summer, pray that everything that is supposed to work out with that will and to give me peace about all of these things.