Saturday, June 27, 2009

A Thought That Is Always on The Surface

It seems like when you are thinking about one thing and it is something that you don't want to be thinking about you hear about it, see it, read it everywhere. Your mind tells yourself that you're trying to block it out but your brain is actually just searching for it to try and really think through it and deal with it. For me this thought or idea has been divorce. It is obviously something in society that is no longer considered unacceptable or wrong but something that is seen more often now than a successful marriage. In films and on T.V. some portion of almost all of them, divorce is peeking through in anyway possible. In my opinion divorce has becoming something of a game, beating the other person in the marriage to file for it, finding someway to cheat in the game and find a loop hole, add up the most divorces, or just quit the game of love with that person.

Divorce is something that has now been the ever looming thought within my mind. I think it might be safe to say today that at some point in your childhood now a days you wonder if you parents will get a divorce and what it would be like. I of course had thought about it and had always passed by the idea of it seeing as though I came from a household with Christian parents and teachings. In 7th grade one of my close friends got a divorce and that was the closest I had ever come to it and I didn't really know what to do and it was weird that some days I had to call them at their dad's and then at their mom's and it was hard to actually think about how my friend felt.

Now this thought that seems to be everywhere has become a fear, something that I never want to experience. It made me think about the way that marriage is portrayed, how poorly how marriage is the end of ride, something that doesn't bring happiness and something that will only get worse with time. I never want that to happen and I don't want to experience a big bad divorce. But I worry because I have seen the "christian" families fall apart. How do you make it work or fix things? How do people settle in and just lose the purpose to marriage? I don't like sin, it's a rat.