Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Birthday and a window seat

Well my birthday is complete. Just another day in the year that has gone past and will surely come again next year. It was really cool I guess just to hear from everyone. I am almost positive if there was no facebook, no one would have remembered it was actually my birthday but that is alright. It was really funny too because everyone I knew from high school just wrote me something on my facebook wall, while everyone from Spring Arbor made a point to call me. Oh the differences in friendships. It was a good birthday overall, Ash and I played WAY too much guitar hero and for a short time we paused and I got my tennis lesson from the #1 player at MSU (woohoo) that actually was really fun. Cool birthday all in all just not what I have been used to in the past.
So along with all the birthday madness I left for London last night. It seems it's not easy for me to get to where I need to in a timely manner. We hit 275 going to the airport and the had closed it down completely on one side of the high way and we had sat there for almost and hour and waited to get through. Then went through Livonia and a lot of surface streets to get there. Luckily my plane was 15 minutes late and NO ONE was in Detroit. So I got through everything really fast, had enough time to use the bathroom then headed over to Philly. I thought I was going to have my hour lay over but boy was I wrong. I had to switch terminals and they don't make that easy to do there, there is no underground system or anything to connect them so you have to take a bus. And I had to go from F to A. That alone took a good 10 minutes. So they let me off at A1 and my gate was A26...the last gate. And I was thinking that it wouldn't be that far. Boy was I wrong. I was at gate A16ish when they called the final boarding call for my flight. I ran and ran and ran and was like the last person on the plane. It was a close call but I made it. And thankfully no one was sitting next to me so I was able to stretch out and sleep. But I think one of the coolest things, well two were that when we were coming into Philly there was a baseball game going on and you could see it perfectly and that was awesome. Then as we were flying to London I looked out the window and all around me was stars and the water below. It was really really cool.