Monday, April 14, 2008

I Think I Found something....

There have been several things that have gone on in my life in the past few weeks that have been an eye opener. If you are unaware, I am at school to become a teacher. I have a passion to share the knowledge I know with others to better them. But I like to teach more than just the sweet facts about history (since I am going to teach social studies), people fascinate me, especially our minds. As I have learned over time there are a lot of girls on my floor that feel really comfortable talking to me and opening up, which I LOVE. And to me one of the most interesting things is the mind of a teenage girl. I recently read the book Body Wars by Dr. Margo Maine and it is an amazing book. Being a girl we analyze everything CONSTANTLY. Because of the society we live in we are always judging and saying if only I had this or wasn't this. But the kicker is that we think we are the only ones who think this way. I know this is how I felt for quite sometime. When I read this book i realized why i was thinking this way and why I don't need to be thinking this way at all. God has made me in the image of himself, he made me just the way I am and I am glad he did, otherwise I wouldn't be me. But a lot of girls do not have this confidence that I do. However, they see it in me. There are seriously so many girls suffering thinking that if they looked differently, guys would like them. I have been there for several years, I have seen my body go through numerous changes and blamed that on why I am not in a relationship. As girls we are supposed to have hips, boobs, thighs and a tummy. If we don't we have messed up periods, an eating disorder, and mega problems having babies. Which is why we are built with curves so we can have children.

I have been talking with a lot of girls lately and telling them the truth, that they are perfect the way they are. But not a one really believes me. So I tell them to write down all the good things. They tell me there is absolutely nothing. OUCH. Girls feel this way because of the images thrown in our faces and the words coming out of guys mouths. Even though I am feeling more comfortable with who I am, it's an uphill battle. Especially when a lot of my friends are in relationships and we hang out and I am the 3rd or 5th wheel. So I was talking to Ron about how I go in and out of being okay with no being in a relationship. Given it is a lot easier since I really don't fancy anyone in particular. But what I am doing is going through the Bible and finding the characteristics of who I want to be and working on those so I am confident when a relationship comes along. And also so that I can find those same characteristics in a mate.

So I am teaching my small group all about this next week and I am really excited because I think it is really important for girls my age. I just really want to do something more, I want to show every girl on this campus how wonderful and beautiful they are.


Nana Mary said...

Oh my Emmaleigh -- how proud I am of you for your wisdom and insights. You are doing just the right thing in dealing with your body issues (and we do all have them) --you are making them spiritual issues and asking the one who made you. Good for you! What an insightful and mature blogger you are.